
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Do you realize that a slave is more free than the master?


The statement is absolutely right in the sense that if you make somebody a slave, you also become dependent on him. You have to take care of him, you have to take care of his health. You have taken on a great responsibility.

But if the slave has lost his responsibility, he has also lost his freedom; he has also lost his dignity, his humanity. He has become a beast of burden; he is just like a machine. You take care of the machine also. You wash your car, you clean your car, you are always aware if something is wrong that it has to be replaced. Just as you take care of your machines, you take care of your slaves.

So it is true that the master also becomes in a certain way dependent on the slave. But the Christian who told you does not realize the implication of his statement. If God is his master, that means God is his slave. It is his statement; he is saying, ”Do you realize that a slave is more free than the master?” So God is less free than you are!

But a less free God becomes inferior to you, a less free God cannot bring freedom to you. He himself is less free. So why bother about a God who is not even equally as free as you, to say nothing about his superiority in freedom – he is less free than you.

But fanatics don’t understand logic, don’t understand argument. Fanatics are just blind people. Otherwise, this one would not have said, ”This is because the master has all the responsibility and the slave has no cares in the world. We are lucky to have God as our master!” He should have said, ”We are lucky to have God as our slave, because he takes all the cares and all the responsibilities; he creates the world and he creates the sin and he creates all kinds of troubles and he creates all kinds of solutions, and he sends his own son to save the world, and he sends prophets upon prophets to fight amongst each other and kill people... He has such a great involvement and business, he is so occupied! And what does he get in return? Just these fanatics.”

If there is a God, man is not only a slave, man does not exist, man is a puppet. If God, the way the Christians believe, made man out of mud and then breathed life into him, breathing, man is just a created puppet. All the strings are in the hands of God. Any moment, just as at a certain moment that whimsical God created man...

What was he doing before? One simply has to ask it, because according to Christians he created the world only six thousand years ago. It is absolute nonsense, because in India we have found cities of great culture and civilization – Mohenjo Daro and Harappa, which Christian explorers, Christian scientists were excavating. They could not believe it – God destroyed those cities seven thousand years ago... before God created the world! And in Peking, China, the skeleton of a man has been found called the Peking Man, which is eighty thousand years old.

Certainly the world is far more ancient than your God. Perhaps man created God six thousand years ago – that may be right. But idiots are idiots....

One great scholarly bishop was very much puzzled about the Peking Man, about Harappa and Mohenjo Daro, and about the claim of a man who lived in Poona, a famous scholar, Lokmanya Tilak, that the Hindu Vedas are ninety thousand years old.

And his evidence is such that it cannot be contradicted. His evidence is not logical but scientific, astronomical.

In the Rigveda, a certain constellation of stars is described in absolute detail; this happened, according to scientists, ninety thousand years ago. Unless Rigveda was written by people who had seen that constellation they could not have described it in detail, and since then that constellation has not happened again. Perhaps sometime in the future it may happen, but for ninety thousand years it has not happened. The description is a solid proof that Rigveda was written by people who had seen the constellation; without seeing that constellation there is no way for them to have described which star was in which position. And they have described it so scientifically that there is no possibility of making any improvement on it. When this bishop became aware of all these things...

On the Himalayas, on top of the highest peaks of the Himalayas, sea animals’ skeletons have been found. That simply means that at a certain time – perhaps a hundred million years before – there was an ocean in place of the Himalayas. Otherwise, sea animals cannot move from the ocean, pass through the whole of India and go on top of the Himalayas to die there.

The only possibility is – and this is now a scientific fact – the Himalayas arose out of the ocean. And as they arose out of the ocean, many animal fossils must have remained on these tops. The Himalayas went on being forced up and these fossils were covered in snow. And as this vast range of mountains called the Himalayas rose, the ocean receded.

The Hind Mahasagar, the great Indian Ocean, used to be where the Himalayas are – one hundred million years ago. Those animals prove it, because they are one hundred million years old. There are ways to judge how old a skeleton is, and now those methods are absolutely accurate.

The bishop was mad, because it was all going against the Bible. So he invented a theory – this is why I say a fanatic will not see the truth; he will try to continue his belief in a lie, will make all kinds of excuses. This excuse is certainly worth understanding. The bishop invented a theory that God created the world six thousand years ago as it is told in the Bible, but, as he is all-powerful, he created sea animals and put them on top of the Himalayas. And he created them so that they would appear one hundred million years old. He created the Harappa and Mohenjo Daro ruins making them appear seven thousand years old; the Peking Man as if it is eighty thousand yeas old... just to test the Christians’ faith! What a great logic!

God seems to be a con man: ”It is just a question of your faith.”
But the fact is, this earth is four thousand million years old according to science. And man is at least one million years old, passing through many different stages up to Gautam Buddha, the highest peak of consciousness, the Everest.

This Christian fanatic is saying, ”We are lucky to have God as our master.” What about God himself? Is he lucky to have you as his responsibility? If God is responsible for everything, and he should be; if he created the world then he is responsible for Adolf Hitler, the second world war, Hiroshima and Nagasaki... who else? If he is taking care of the world and pulling the strings of people, he pulls the strings of President Truman to drop the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, Truman is not responsible – God pulled his strings; what can he do?

When the puppeteer pulls the strings of the puppet, the puppet dances. When the puppeteer pulls differently, the puppet fights. When the puppeteer drops the puppet, it goes down and sleeps. And whenever the puppeteer pulls the strings again, the puppet is back ready to do anything. If God has created the world, then we are all puppets; we don’t have any spirituality and we are just dust unto dust.

Is God happy to have all these puppets creating a mess of the world? And he is responsible!

But fanatics don’t look at any logic. His argument proves that God is a slave of his own slaves; he is not a master. You are the master; he is taking care of you.

Rather than seeing exactly into the reality of things, people go on creating hypotheses, lies, fictions – imagination, hallucination. Mind has all these capacities.

Unless you are beyond mind, you cannot be certain that what you are seeing is real. Once you are beyond mind, only then are you aware of that which is real. And in that reality no God is found.

Buddha could not find any God. In his ultimate state of enlightenment, he could not find any God and he could not find any beginning of the universe. Mahavira in his ultimate enlightenment could not find any God, and he could not find any creation either. The world, existence, is beginningless and endless. Twenty-three other tirthankaras of the Jainas could not find any God when they were in samadhi. When they were beyond mind, there was no fear, no dread, no death, there was no need of the hypothesis of God. God simply disappeared like a shadow of our mind.

As dreams disappear when you wake up... enlightenment is nothing but waking up and all dreams disappear. And God has been proved a dream by thousands of enlightened people.

God is believed in only by the ignorant. God is believed in only by those who don’t have any sense of dignity. The people who have attained to the fulfillment of their potential, who have blossomed like lotus flowers, have all denied God.

There are three religions in the world... one that arose out of Gautam Buddha’s inspiration, another that arose out of Adinatha’s inspiration, and a third that arose out of Lao Tzu’s inspiration, Tao. These three are the highest peaks ever arrived at, and all three have no God.

Compared to these three, Mohammedanism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism are just very childish. They are good as toys, as consolation, but they don’t solve any problem and they don’t give you any liberation. They don’t take you beyond birth and death. They only make you slaves.

I hate slavery, and my whole effort is to liberate you from all that binds you. Only when you are liberated from all bindings will you have a tremendous beauty, a splendor that even emperors will be jealous of.

God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth 189 ♡♥Osho♡♥

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