The questioner is very clear and very right. On the surface, Christian theology seems to be saying that God is opposed to evil, but if you look deeper you see that it is not actually opposed to evil, it is opposed to the natural.
All religions are against nature, it is not only Christianity. Why are they against nature? There is a great psychological strategy. The strategy is that if you are programmed to be against nature, you will live a miserable life, you will live in anxiety, anguish, perversion, guilt.
This whole phenomenon can be created only if you are programmed to be against nature. If you are natural, then you will be just as happy as all the birds, and all the trees, and all the animals. They don’t worship God, they don’t go to any church, they don’t have any theology. They don’t have any feeling of guilt, they are simply natural.
The priests found out very early in human history that man can be forced to be God-oriented only if he is forced to be against nature. Once you are against nature you are schizophrenic. Your whole being is part of nature; just your mind is against nature, because only the mind can be programmed, not your body.
So you may take the vow of celibacy, but that does not change your biology, that does not change your physiology. It is just a mind concept, just words. Your blood will go on creating sexual energy, your body will go on creating sexual hormones.
Have you seen the statues of Buddha, of Mahavira and the twenty-three other tirthankaras of the Jainas? You will be surprised. They don’t have any beard, any mustache. Do you think these people had no beard, no mustache? But it is the cunning priests who made these statues, to make it clear to you that these people are not sexual, because mustaches and beards come because of certain hormones. Man has those hormones, woman does not.
To show that their physiology has also changed, their beards and their mustaches have been removed. No photographs exist and the statues were made after they had died – three hundred years after – so nobody had any idea, nobody has seen these people. But the desire you can figure out.
Krishna has no beard, no mustache. Rama has no beard, no mustache. What is happening to these people? You can see your celibate monks, and they continue to grow beards and mustaches. Their celibacy has failed. The beard and mustache show that your manhood is still the same in spite of your promise in front of the statue of Jesus or any other god that you are going to follow celibacy. Celibacy remains in your mind only, but your whole body, your whole structure is in favor of nature. So you are split into two parts, and a house divided is going to fall any moment.
These religions have created insanity and nothing else. That is their only contribution to humanity: insanity, split consciousness, split personality. One part, which is very impotent, the mind – it has no power over the body, it cannot change anything in the body – this mind is programmed according to a certain ideology. And when this mind finds that your body is acting against the program, it feels guilty, it feels miserable. It feels worried that there is going to be some great punishment after death, you will be thrown into hellfire for eternity.
Your body wants. Just naturally, it wants food, it wants nourishment, it wants love. Love is also a nourishment. If nobody loves you, you will shrink and die.
There are hundreds of experiments done by the scientists on monkeys. In one experiment which has been repeated and found to be completely certain, the small baby monkey is brought to the lab and two mother monkeys are provided. Both mothers are artificial. One is just wires, but it has pipes from which the baby monkey can drink milk. But he cannot hug the wires, and he cannot feel while drinking from a pipe the feelings of the mother, the love, the warmth.
So you are forced finally to go to the priests. When you are feeling so miserable and you don’t see anywhere any light, and the night is so dark and goes on becoming darker, and there seems to be no hope for the dawn, where are you going to look? The priest is there, who claims he knows God, who claims that he has the sole monopoly of God’s message for humanity.
Man easily became a prey because he listened to all these people, and they managed to convince him. They were more educated; they were the only educated people. They knew how to argue, how to convince – the whole masses have been kept in darkness – so they argued against nature, and they convinced people. And it is very convincing. For example, everybody is suffering because of marriage, and marriage is a creation of the priests. It is a good device to keep people miserable. You will not find in my people any misery, because there is nothing like a bondage.
You should live as individuals in freedom. Out of your freedom you love, but not against your freedom. If you sell your freedom for love, you are going to be in despair. So marriage was one of the devices to keep people harassing each other, fighting with each other, because they cannot separate. No divorce was allowed by any religion, and it is human nature to get fed up.
Nobody can eat the same food every day – except me. My cooks, my people who take care of my body, they get fed up. I eat, and they get fed up, because they have to bring the same food.
But unless you are enlightened, you are going to be fed up with everything. It is good when it is new. You have to change your car every year. It does not mean that the new car is better than the old, most probably it is not. The older was stronger, had a thicker body, a stronger engine. The newer is becoming more and more a toy. And because you are going to change in one year, there is no need to make a very strong car. What are you going to do with a strong car? Strong cars were made to serve you for your whole life.
The newest car will be even more fragile, and in fact it is for the benefit of the manufacturers that you change your car every year; otherwise how is he going to produce new cars? The factories will close. So there is great propaganda for the new cars, and what changes is just the bonnet, a little design change, new colors, more shiny colors. But the reason why people change their car is they get fed up.
One gets fed up with relationships also. In the beginning everything seems to be just great. But how long is it going to be great? Soon you become acquainted with the geography of each other. Once you have seen a woman naked, it is the beginning of the end.
Only in India marriages go on being happy, for the simple reason that the husband and wife cannot see each other in the daylight. They cannot talk to each other before their elders. Families are joint families, so one family may be forty persons all living together. And there are many elders.
My mother has told me that not only can the husband not see the wife in daylight, but he cannot even play with his own child in front of the elders. And this is a program, centuries old. And when you see your wife in the darkness of the night... And you cannot even talk, because all around is the joint family. Your elders are sleeping; if you start talking somebody may wake up.
So silently under the blankets, without even saying, ”I love you,” just make love and reproduce, and get out of the bed to your own bed so nobody is disturbed. But you don’t know your wife, you have never seen her, so the interest remains. It is the darkness that keeps the interest.
But in the West, it is very difficult to remain interested in the same woman for your whole life. After the honeymoon the marriage is finished. I think the honeymoon is the only time you are happy, and then begins a long journey of misery and unhappiness. Now the same is happening in India, because now India is becoming civilized, entering into the twenty-first century.
So people get fed up, but they cannot say the truth, that they are fed up with you. So anger comes, violence comes. They both become sad.
I was just telling Zareen the other day... Where is she? She is sitting there, and that Manu – Mickey Mouse – is sitting there. He used to go to Bombay every three weeks. Since he has fallen in love with Zareen, it is a difficult job for him to remain here for seven days, the whole week.
His son is taking care of his business better than he has ever been able to. He has never earned so much as his son is earning, so there is no problem for him. But now he goes for business to Bombay. For what business? Just to avoid poor Zareen. And in anger, Zareen goes to Mahabaleshwar. One has gone this way, the other has gone that way. For what is Zareen going to Mahabaleshwar, the opposite direction? And when they are far away – one is in Bombay, another is in Mahabaleshwar – they start feeling love for each other. Then they both come back to the campus. For one or two days love remains, and then again Manu is ready for Bombay, to do some business.
It is better to spend a little less time with each other. Twenty-four hours hanging around each other’s neck, nobody is going to be happy, neither you nor the person you are hanging with.
Religions have been using all these devices to create misery in people. And they have been telling people not to look at anybody’s wife, or anybody’s husband. And it is very natural. When you are tired of your woman, you start looking all around for some way out. But all religions are saying, that adultery is the most sinful act. And I don’t see...
When you become adult, you are bound to commit adultery. I see it as simple human nature, and once in a while it is good. It helps you keep your love relationship fresh if some other woman comes at the weekend. It is not against marriage. It can keep the marriage floating forever, because those two days you realize again the old woman was better.
So Manu, the Mickey Mouse, moves back to Zareen. And by that time Zareen is also ready, thinking of Manu, because she has been with somebody else and it does not feel... So they are back. Five days a week it is good to be married. Two days at the weekend it is good to be free. And it is perfectly human. You want to explore new experiences, you want to love as many people as possible.
It is one of the characters of Jean-Paul Sartre who says, ”I would like to love all the women of the earth.” It is not possible, but the desire is there: ”I would like to love all the women of the earth.” Every woman is a unique individual, every woman is a different experience. Every woman has her own whims, every man his own insanities. So when two new people meet, it is a meeting of different kinds of cuckoos.
It is good, because it gives you an opportunity to see that the old one was better. You were settled with the old one; this is an unnecessary trouble. But in five days you will forget it; that is also natural to the mind, to go on forgetting. After five days living with the old woman you will again think that it is getting too much.
So Manu, stop going for business in Bombay, because that creates suspicion in Zareen’s mind: ”Are you having another love affair in Bombay?” If you are having another love affair I will allow you. But not for business! The business is going on perfectly well.
Just be honest, and tell Zareen, ”I need three days freedom.” Then she is also free for three days, and she is such a nice woman that everybody here... There are so many Romeos, and they will love Zareen. So just a little exchange... and everybody is happy.
Why do you think you are so happy? It is because of my continuous corruption of your mind. Whenever I see any marriage, I cannot resist the temptation to corrupt, because I only see that unless you corrupt, people are going to be sad and then they will be prey to the priests.
Your question is important. ”What has made man such easy prey for the priests...?” His misery. So it is very much a con game. Religion is a con game. The priest first destroys your happiness in every possible way, forces your mind to be against nature: ”Nature is a sin.” And once you have become miserable the priest has his shop open, you can come for advice.
A doctor’s son returned from the medical college. He had become an M.D. And the son said to the old father, ”Now I am here, you need not work. You have worked hard your whole life. I will take your work, you just rest.”
After three days he told the father, ”That old rich woman you have been treating for almost thirty years I have cured in three days.”
The father just beat his head. He said, ”You idiot! That woman has been supporting our family. It is because of that woman you are an M.D. It is because of that woman your other brothers are becoming educated, and you cured her? Do you think I was not able to cure her? But to cure her was to destroy your education. That was half of my income!”
A doctor cures poor people quickly; with rich people he takes his time. It is natural, there is nothing wrong in it. The rich man can afford it, the poor man is unnecessarily wasting his time. And not only time, but the poor man may start asking that medicine also should be given to him because he has no money.
The rich man has to be kept. If he gets tired of one sickness, give him another sickness. Just put the idea in his mind – ”I feel you are going to have a heart attack.” Just the idea, and his heart will start pulsating and in the middle of the night he will want to check his heart, whether it is failing or it is still there. Just give the idea, and then he remains your patient. Just tell him, ”You need a continuous checkup every week. Your body is in a very fragile condition.”
Doctors are living a very contradictory life. They are supposed to cure people, but if they cure all the people, then what will happen to them? If a society is completely healthy, and nobody is sick, the doctors will start getting sick, starving, dying. They will become beggars.
It was only in China, under Lao Tzu’s influence, that for the first time a new method was introduced. It was out of Lao Tzu’s great compassion that he went to the emperor and said, ”The whole medical profession is basically wrong, because the doctor lives on the diseases of the people, and he is supposed to cure them. You are putting the man in a contradictory position.”
The emperor asked, ”What do you suggest?”
He said, ”I suggest that the doctor should be paid by the emperor for keeping people healthy. When people feel they are losing their health, they become sick, the doctor’s money has to be cut. He is not taking care well. Just the opposite of now: he will be paid to keep people healthy and if somebody falls sick, his pay will be cut. That will bring to the whole medical profession a totally different perspective.”
And that’s how enlightened people have been giving new perspectives to people, which the people don’t understand in the beginning. People would not understand that you have to pay for health. Health is yours, what has the doctor to do with it? And the doctor has to lose money if you fall sick? That was absolutely right, though it looked strange.
The same is the situation with the priests. If everybody was without guilt... That’s what they think about me – that I am a dangerous man, because my whole effort is to make you free of guilt, free of sin, free of the idea of morality. I want you to learn only one thing, and that is clarity beyond mind. And then, out of that clarity let everything happen: your love, your morality, your behavior.
But this will destroy the priests absolutely. This will destroy religions and churches, and this will destroy God. Who is going to pray to God if you are blissful? If your life is just a dance, who is going to pray to God? For what?
If you can be kept healthy, if you can be kept well nourished... If you can live a long life, one hundred and fifty years and still young... These are clear-cut possibilities, because there are people in the Soviet Union who have passed a hundred and fifty years of age. And there are a few people who have passed the age of one hundred and eighty, particularly in the region where Stalin and George Gurdjieff came from, both men of steel.
In the Caucasus people live to a hundred and eighty years and they are still working in their orchards, on their farms. They are young. They have completely forgotten how old they are. Who remembers for one hundred and eighty years? Just think, when you are a hundred and eighty years old will you remember your birth date?
So tentatively it is understood... because the oldest people say, ”We have been seeing them from our very childhood, so they must be older than us.” And they are all around. You will be surprised to know that there have been marriages at the age of one hundred and eighty.
The last marriage happened just last year. The man was one hundred and eighty, the woman was one hundred and seventy. And they got married, fell in love – this is what I call life! The magistrate who married them asked them, ”At this age?”
They said, ”We are still young. Our very falling in love proves we are young, and we want to be together. And why are you worried? If we have survived one hundred and eighty years, we may survive for two hundred years or even more – if one hundred and eighty years have not been able to kill us...”
You should remember the arithmetic. It is at seventy-five that the majority of people die. At eighty-five fewer people die. At ninety-five very few people die. Beyond hundred, very rarely does someone die.
And beyond one hundred and eighty, there is every possibility you may not die. A simple arithmetic! Who has ever heard of somebody dying after one hundred and eighty? There is no precedent.
And scientists say man has the capacity in his body to live for at least three hundred years if everything remains natural. It is the unnaturalness of life, which is imposed by all religions that makes people’s life not only miserable, but cuts their life from three hundred to seventy-five. Even at the age of sixty people start feeling, ”It is better to die, what is the point of living?” You cannot fall in love because everybody will object.
One old man married a young girl. He was ninety and the girl was only nineteen. His sons – one was seventy, another was sixty – all told him, ”This is not the time for you to marry. Don’t make us all ashamed. Everybody will laugh.”
He said, ”It is not your business. I have fallen in love, I am going to marry.”
And he married, and the doctor who used to look after the old man said to him, ”Your getting married... It is very dangerous at your age. It would be better to have a boarder in your house.” He meant him to keep some young man in the house who would take care of his wife, but that was understood.
After nine months the doctor saw the old man in the market, and he said, ”How are things going?”
He said, ”Great! My wife is pregnant.”
The doctor said, ”And what about the boarder?”
He said, ”She is also pregnant.”
Now this is life!
Live totally, and live naturally, and there will be no religion for you, there will be no priest for you, and there will be no God for you. And there will be nobody who can exploit you and destroy your intelligence, your life, and make you pathological and sick.
Now do you see why I am dangerous?
God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth 146 ♡♥Osho♡♥
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